TheWell@Caltech Resources
Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255
Printable Tip Sheets
- Better Sleep Tips
- Critical Incident Stress Information Sheet
- Self Care Strategies
- Common Cognitive Distortions
- Caltech Quick Reference Domestic Violence Resources
- Los Angeles 24 Hour Domestic Violence Shelter Hotlines
- Los Angeles Domestic Violence Legal Resources
- San Gabriel Valley Homeless Resources
COVD-19 Specific Information
Caltech's COVID-19 Page
Campus Efforts and Resources for COVID-19
The US Department of State; Travel Information: travel.state.gov
California Coronavirus Response: covid19.ca.gov
Hanford Washington: https://www.hanford.gov/page.cfm/COVID-19
Washington State: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus
Livingston Louisiana: https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/92
Louisiana Information: http://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
Other Campus Resources
- Telecommuting Guidelines: telecommute.caltech.edu
- Human Resources: hr.caltech.edu
County Social Service Help (and Domestic Violence)
- 211 LA is the central source for providing information and referrals for all health and human services in LA County. The 2-1-1 phone line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, with trained Community Resource Advisors prepared to offer help with any situation, any time: https://www.211la.org/
- County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services Domestic Violence: http://dpss.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/dpss/main/programs-and-services/specialized-supportive-services/domestic-violence/
- Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health: dmh.lacounty.gov
- Los Angeles County Human Services Hotline: http://www.211la.org
Emotional Wellbeing (Free Resources)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- Mindfulness Resources, The Center for Mindful Living: mindfullivingla.org
- Guided Meditations in English & Spanish: uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations
- Breathing and Mindfulness Phone Apps: Breathe, Calm, Headspace.
- Online Yoga, All Levels: doyogawithme.com
- Podcasts:https://brenebrown.com/podcast/dr-vivek-murthy-and-brene-on-loneliness-and-connection/
- https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-on-strong-backs-soft-fronts-and-wild-hearts/
Mindfulness & Guided Meditation
- The Center for Mindful Living- inspiring videos, free mindfulness teachings, and guided meditation: mindfullivingla.org
- UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center- free guided meditations in English & in Spanish: uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations
- UCSD Center for Mindfulness- mindfulness videos, mindful poetry, guided audio & video mindfulness practice: medschool.ucsd.edu/som/fmph/research/mindfulness/mindfulness-resources/Pages/default.aspx
- Bilingual Center for Mindfulness- Spanish language information of mindfulness and guided meditations: bilingualmindfulness.com/es/
- Mindful Heart Center- Japanese speaking mindfulness community resources: mindfulheartcenter.com/meditation